David Li

David Li


I am a PhD student in the College of Life Science and Technology in Huazhong Agricultural University and the major is genomics,which is a major in biological data analysis. I am interested in Applied Mathematics and Statistics,especially for applying mathematical theory to biology.When I am undergraduate,I have minored some related courses in applied statistics and developed a keen interest in how to apply mathematical models to biology.During the master degree, in first two years I worked in zebrafish and once analyzed NGS data(mainly RNA-seq,scRNA-seq).In last year my main job is to develop biology software,which is predicting dynamic G4 structure(G quadruplex).

Before I got my master's degree,I have some programming skills(R,Python and maybe a little C++) and use machine learning models or mathematical models to analyze biological data(R:mlr,glmnet etc;Python:scikit-learn,sklearn,pytorch etc).I also participate in building biological database(flask + jquery or vue).I like to take notes while reading literature,recording the logic or principle of the article.It was a lot of fun in my learning process. Sometimes I will share my learning records or good ideas in the Jianshu and Yuque (Welcome to discuss with me 😉)

I am good at analyzing NGS data,during the analysis I can combine some mathematical models in the analysis data, the purpose is to better mine the biological story,if results are solid, I prefer to develop biological software for more researchers to use. At last, I share a slogan with all guys(but it is in Chinese): "學問求切實,思辨求翔實".





Haha!!! Most of the prize money goes to study and travel funds


Academic community(club)

Research experience

1.Construction of a zebrafish sex reversal model

The main purpose of this study was to construct a model of sex reversal with the aim of studying sex development in zebrafish,and patent pending for related technology.

2.Multi-omics analysis of sex development in zebrafish

Multi-omics study based on zebrafish sex reversal model,this part is used as my master thesis ,The repositories is here,but it’s private, Cooperation tutor: @yhsun

3.BertG4 development

Accurate prediction of G4 from a multi-omics perspective based on Bert framework,Cooperation tutor: @wenzhang and the repositories is BertG4

4.Build Devogene Database

In this project, I am responsible for the construction of the database website, and the analysis content is completed by other colleagues. The repositories is Devogene

5.Build ESKtides Database

ESKtides was designed for data browsing, searching and downloading, which provides a rich peptide library based on ESKAPE prophages and phages. The repositories is ESKtides

6.Develop DeepLysin

The purpose of this software is to provide a simple and efficient tool for mining phage lyase from genomic data, so as to make the process of developing new phage lyase more intelligent and convenient. And this software is mainly for the field of biomedicine, aiming to provide a new protein antibacterial drug - phage lyase rapid discovery tool for research institutions and enterprises in related fields. The repositories is DeepLysin

7.Develop MicroWorldOmics

MicroworldOmics(a convenient software for microscopic world analysis and visualization), a desktop software developed based on PYQT (version=5), R (version=4.0),Python (version=3.6) and JavaScript, which aims to make new exploration and contribution to the development of bioinformatics. Realizing data analysis and visualization in the fields of algorithm statistics, sequence analysis, microbiomics , virology,image recognition etc. The repositories is MicroWorldOmics


I share most of them in Jianshu page 😉 !!!

1. About bioinformatic

If you wanna study bioinformatic by yourself here are some books and some videos:

2. About statistic

3. About programming


If you wanna connect me or discuss with me, here are some basic informations: